
D.A. Boulter hates talking about himself in the 3rd person. Finds it annoying.

Since my early school days, Science Fiction and Fantasy have intrigued me, starting with Heinlein, whose Starship Troopers I read in the middle 60s, long before I knew about the social and political themes it carried. My seminal year, though, came in 1974 when I got my hands on a copy of Frank Herbert's "Dune", which fascinated me with its depth and breadth. At that moment I knew SF&F had hooked me.

However, it took another ten years before I seriously considered writing my own material and another ten after that before I began writing in earnest. Now, with the advent of e-readers, I find myself in the very strange position of being a published author, rather than someone who wrote for himself only. It gratifies me that many have read and enjoyed my works. Thank you.

I've worked as a cook, a first-aid attendant, weather observer, radar operator and tech. I've worked in the city, in the woods, and in the Arctic. Just now, I find myself on the West Coast of Canada, with my feline companion -- one of a line of cats who have shared my writing moments (and interrupted them as well).


  1. Any chance of your books coming out in paperback?

    1. Sure, bring up my other field of procrastination. In short, yes, there is a chance. "Pelgraff" and "A Throne At Stake" already are available in paperback through Amazon or They've been available since July and October of 2014 respectively, and I've sold a total of 4 copies since then -- all Pelgraff. As such it has been low on my list of priorities. However, as I do want paperback copies for myself, perhaps I'll get back on that soon. I think that "Trading for the Stars" is almost ready -- I had thought I'd already signed off on it, but apparently not. I just need to go over my proof copy once more to make sure it's okay. After that, I don't know. Have any suggestions?
