Been a long time since I looked at this blog. Don’t know if
anyone is following it – has ever followed it. Had no comments at all and few hits
on the pages.
Anyway, if anyone does happen by, I might as well tell you
that I have a new book out. It’s the sequel to “Trading For The Stars”, taking
place shortly after it ends.
It’s book 2 of The Yrden Chronicles, and now for sale at
"Trading for a Dream"
Book 2 of The Yrden Chronicles takes over where
"Trading For The Stars" left off.
Newly married and just getting used to her position in a
space-based trading family, Colleen Yrden looks forward to her honeymoon on
Liberty Station before she and husband, Clay, join their new ship and start
their new life. Her plans don’t include getting on the wrong side of the
station’s crime boss, but an inadvertent good deed puts her in his crosshairs.
She should take Clay's advice to distance herself from the man she helped, but
something about him resonates with her and, for better or for worse, she
read the sample here